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This page was updated on 8/23/24.  If you see any changes that need to be made please email us at "".  The Download File has info about Individual meetings. 

The "Download PDF " was updated on 6/15/22.


Posted Meetings will be listed SOON.  Please download the PDF for meetings till then.

The PDF Download is 2 pages , Landscape.  Updated 6/15/22



The Download has more Meeting information PDF Form  This is 5 pages & includes canceled or pending Meetings


List of Meetings by City Below.​


Change in meeting,  The Garage Tues. night is now not a men's meeting.  It's a 12 x 12 .C WA 12x12.


New Meeting 12/12/23

Kenyon, Mn : Big Book

Monday Nights at 7:00 PM

Hauge Lutheran In Basement, 320Bullis St.

Contact Dave@ 612-968-3314


NEW MEETING : 11/16/23

Thursday 7:00pm Pioneer Club 

"We Agnostics" Open Topic Meets in Back Room. 


Please send any new or changed meeting info to



Missed the Directory :  Tuesday Night


6:30 Nu-Life Group, 301 8th Ave NW  Kasson, Mn 55944 to the online directory.   This is a TD (topic discussion) C (closed) and WA (wheelchair) accessible meeting.  


NEW MEETING :  Zumbrota

Sunday August 27, 2023  at 4:00 to 6:00 PM

St Paul's Catholic Church, 749 S Main St

Walking Through the Big Book.



Name: Monday Evening Men's Problem Solution Meeting

Location: Safe Harbor Building - 2110 US-14, Rochester, MN 55904

Time - Monday's at 6:30pm

Type: Men's, Closed, Problem/Solution Format



Meeting Name: We Absolutely Insist on Enjoying Life
Day and time: Saturdays 9:00-10:00 weather permitting- bring a lawn chair
Address: Silver Lake Park, 840 Seventh St NE
Rochester, MN  55906- located on the north shore of the lake on the walking trail, across from the old fire station
Meeting format: Topic Discussion, Open



Road of Happy Destiny

Women's AA Meeting

Wed. 5:00 PM

Christ Episcopal Church, 321 West Avenue

Red Wing

Women Pursuing Peace : Big Book Women's Study Group

Sunday 4:00 PM , Mt Olive Lutheran Church, 2830-18th Anv. NW, Rochester


NEW  T3 has a website :  



Women's Meeting in Zumbrota

Sisters in Serenity :Thursday at Noon ,  560 West 3rd Street,

Zumbrota 55992


New info:6/15/22

Good Samaritan Group  12 x 12

Now meeting in Person & Zoom @ 7:00 pm on Mondays

I. D.  779 4707 7173

P.W. AA700

Monday 7:00 PM

325 Alliance Place NE


Keep it Simple BB Group

Thursday 7:00 pm 

ZOOM :  ID  739 0970 7247  PW: AA700


The Peace Group Meeting at 11:30 am On Thursday's is F2F Only.


Unity Group

Wednesday  6:30pm  Unity Group  825  W. Silver Lake Dr.     O WA


Freedom From Bondage is back to meeting in person!

Monday through Friday 

12:00-1:00 PM

Calvalry Episcopal Church

111 3rd Ave SW, Rochester, MN 55902
Door code 1010


news update on DT ( Down Town) group  2/9/22


CUMC reopened

400 5th ave sw

rochester mn  55904

enter west door

sun thru friday noon sat 11:00am

BB 12x12 topic closed wa


meetings are Monday-Friday noon starting April 5th

400 5th Ave. SW (enter west door and use west parking lot)

Rochester, MN 55902

mask required BB, 12x12, TD, C, WA



AS of 8/14/22

We Agnostics: Starting 8/14/22 NO in person meetings


at the UU Church.  6:30 to 7:30.

 Monday 6:30  Zoom meeting   (Open meeting)  THIS MEETING WILL CONTINUE.

Zoom  Link:


Meeting ID#: 882-6880-0371

Passcode 12


information regarding the Courage Group  is NOT meeting at this time,  Stay tuned for future info.


I am actively in contact with St Mary’s to determine when we can come back to the hospital for meetings. 


"The Garage " Meetings are now at : 1765 Restoration Rd, SW. Rochester MN 55902


Lake City AA  : New Info


The Lake City AA group schedule is as follows.


Saturday mornings we meet at 8:30 a.m. at Lake City United Methodist Church, 213 N. Oak Street. Masks and social distancing are required. Please enter the building through the back door from the parking lot.


Tuesday night meetings are on Zoom. An invitation is below. 


Thursday night meetings are on hold for now.


Topic: Lake City Table Talk

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 860 7864 5036

Passcode: 006398

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,86078645036#,,,,,,0#,,006398# US (Chicago)

+19292056099,,86078645036#,,,,,,0#,,006398# US (New York)


Tradition III  IS having Cake Night the 1st Saturday, and IS having speaker meetings on the rest of the Saturday nights Open at 6:00 pm for Food & Fellowship ! Speaker at 7:00 PM


NEW  T3 has a website :


The Meetings listed below are a PNG. You can download excel worksheet.

These are current as of 7/17/2023.


Missed the Directory :  Tuesday Night


6:30 Nu-Life Group, 301 8th Ave NW  Kasson, Mn 55944 to the online directory.   This is a TD (topic discussion) C (closed) and WA (wheelchair) accessible meeting.   

AA Meetings by City.png
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