As of mid July ALS services will no longer be available at the 5:30 meeting at Tradition 3, Located at the Safe Harbor Building.
Change in meeting, The Garage Tues. night is now not a men's meeting. It's a 12 x 12 .C WA 12x12.
NEW MEETING : 11/16/23
Thursday 7:00pm Pioneer Club
"We Agnostics" Open Topic Meets in Back Room.
NEW MEETING : Zumbrota
Sunday August 27, 2023 at 4:00 to 6:00 PM
St Pauls Catholic Church, 749 S Main St
Walking Through the Big Book
AS of 8/14/22
We Agnostics: Starting 8/14/22 NO in person meetings​
Monday 6:30 Zoom meeting (Open meeting) THIS MEETING WILL CONTINUE.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID#: 882-6880-0371
Passcode 12
Tradition III IS having Cake Night the 1st Saturday, and IS having speaker meetings on the rest of the Saturday nights Open at 6:00 pm for Food & Fellowship ! Speaker at 7:00 PM
NEW T3 has a website : www.t3rochmn.org
Directory is NEW 5/15/24